Well I am going to run Las Vegas Marathon with a bunch of friends who I have competed against throughout my running career. Most of these over 40 women come from a track background. I did not come from a track background but have 20 marathons under my belt under the 3 hour mark. This will be my first marathon since 2001. I have yet to run a marathon as a master runner (40+). The question will be if I can still run under 3 hours. I am excited to find out.
Training begins officially on Monday, September 3. I have thrown in a bunch of racing over the last few weeks just to see how fit and what type of pain I can endure. I struggled with the first race (and the course was long) but was happy with my effort on the second one. I actually raced without holding anything back. I had to surge several times and find another gear (which has been deeply hidden) maintain a lead and win this race. The time was slow but I was racing for the win. As the men's times were slow too, I am guessing the course may have been a little long. Athletics Alberta seems to be doing a poor job of ensuring that the "run alberta series" and "timex races" are accurately measured. Oh well, I was happy with my effort.
Sunday I am going to run a 5km, and to be honest I cannot remember when I last did a 5km race. It should be fun. I thought that I might as well race before kicking off training on Monday. I plan on running as hard as I can and throwing up at the end!
I plan on posting my weekly workouts here for all to see. I hope to average around 65 to 70 miles per week of running, one swim, two bikes and two weight workouts. This is a far cry from mileage prior to 2003 when I averaged 80 to 120 miles a week. I feel my body can handle the 70 mile mark still, and have been averaging around 45 to 55 throughout this year.
Training planned for week 1 September 3 to 9:
Monday 7 mi easy run and 60 km bike and weights
Tuesday AM: 30 min easy PM: 15 min w-up; Intervals/ 7 x 1000 meter. 200 meters recover; 15 min easy cl-dwn
Wednesday 10 mi moderate
Thursday AM: 30 min easy PM: 15 min easy; 30 min tempo run at 1/2 marathon pace; 15 min easy
Friday 6 miles and weights
Saturday 18 miles long run
Sunday AM: 100km bike and PM: easy 2000 m recovery swim
Total distance: Run ~65 miles; Swim 2000m; Bike: 160 km; Weights x 2
If anyone wants to hook up for some workouts, drop me an email. Tuesday's I will be at Capital Hill Park, for the most part, with a gang of women.
Happy trails!
Hey Sandra,
If you want a training buddy for Sept. give me a shout any time. I'm hoping to go 1:30 in the Kelowna 1/2 at Thanksgiving.
heatherkj at hotmail dot com
How was the Dino Dash?
Will do.
Dino Dash was okay. Did the 5k and ran around where I thought I would as I have done no training for short stuff. They said the 5k course was about 100m long which meant that my time was 20 min (slow). I was second woman but somehow I was 4th in the results. Noone knows why and I missed the 5k awards as I was being chatted up by tons of people so I missed out on getting it sorted out.
Lisa Harvey won the Women's 10k in 36 min and 2.5 minutes over second place female. She is really running well as she gears up for Waterfront Marathon in a month. Third women was Nik in 39 minutes which is about where she normally runs.
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