Saturday, September 01, 2012

Michael Parker at Dino Dash 10km

Michael ran the Dino Dash 10km today.  On Thursday night, Michael and I talked about his race plan.   I felt he could run a high 38 min or low 39 min for 10km.  I told Michael to start off at 3:55 per km and if he felt good at the 7 km mark to pick it up a bit.

Here is Michael's account of his race today:
Started out trying to take it easy, didn't want to run much faster than my goal pace.

As usual, as time went on, felt stronger.  Had some doubts about half way through. But all my training really helped this time.  Mentally, I knew I could push through and still have enough energy to last until the end.  Last 3 km felt strong, and pushed hard last km.

The splits:

1       03:58

2       03:55

3       03:56

4       03:55

5       03:58

6       03:56

7       03:55

8       03:57

9       03:54

10     03:48

Final time was 39:13.  Michael came 11th overall.  2nd in his age group (45 years -49 years)
This is a personal best for 10km!  Previous personal best was 41:20 which he did in spring of 2012 at St Patrick's day run.  That is a 2 min and 7 seconds improvement since Mar 17, 2012. 

Michael has had a life goal to do a sub 40 min 10km. 

Michael will be running St. George Marathon on October 6.

A little background on Michael since starting with me back in June 2010.

September 2010, Michael ran a marathon in 3:46. 
April 2011, he ran a marathon in 3:19. 
May 2012, he ran a marathon in 3:13:50.

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