Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Multisport Fieldhouse - Get Involved

The City is hosting Open Houses April 20 and 21 (see details below) to introduce its conceptual master plans for both Foothills and Glenmore Athletic Parks.

Multisport Fieldhouse included in Recreation Department master plan

Calgary's long-needed multisport fieldhouse is one step closer. The City of Calgary Recreation Department has included such a facility – with a 400 meter indoor track -- in its master plan for Foothills Athletic Park.

In a press release, the Recreation Department explains that the plans include improvements and additions “to increase capacity and better accommodate the evolving needs of Calgary's athletic community.” Our growing population means increased demand that can't be met by aging facilities that are increasingly costly to operate.

In addition, the department points out, the master plans address the City's need for “primary priority facility types” such as gymnasiums, indoor track, indoor fields, indoor ice and aquatic facilities as well as multi-purpose space that were identified in the City's 10 Year Strategic Plan for Sport Facility Development and Enhancement.

The department proposes to phase in the improvements and additions over a number of years as funding becomes available.

Currently plans are underway to complete badly needed repairs and improvements to the Foothills outdoor track. An upgraded outdoor track will help meet the needs of the running community in the short term. The indoor track and multisport facilities in the fieldhouse willl serve the larger sports community for the long term. We should urge the City to construct a fieldhouse in the first phase of the master plan. Since Calgary doesn't have a fieldhouse facility at present this should be a high priority.

Open Houses

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

6-8 pm


South Calgary Community Association – Main Hall

3130 - 16th St. S.W.
Calgary, AB T2T 4G7

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

6-8 pm


University Elementary School

3035 Utah Drive N.W.
Calgary, AB T2N 3Z9

The Calgary Multisport Fieldhouse Society encourages you to attend to find out details, give input, and show your support for the creation of this world-class facility. A show of strong public support is required to emphasize the need for a fieldhouse in Calgary.

For more information on the Calgary Multisport Fieldhouse, visit the Society’s website at

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